Catering & Tourism Training Institute(CTTI) is going to Celebrate its 50th Year Golden Jubilee from 8th – 10th June, 2019G.C (Sene 1-3, 2011 EC). Our Inistitute is glad to extend a warm Congratulations to all:
》Staff Members & Students
》 Former graduated classes,
》 Stakeholders,
》Board Members and
》Tourism & Hospitality Communities.
On this especial Occasion, we kindly invite you to participate on the following programmes:
1. Day1(Sene 1/2011E C) Morning:
Tourism & Hospitality’s products, Services and Technologies Exhibition @ Genet Hotel
■ Job Fair: Connecting this year graduating classes with their potential Employers(…..Hotels…Tour Operation Companies… Travel Agencies) @ Genet Hotel
2. Day 2(Sene 2/2011E.C) Morning:
■ 5KM Running .. entitled “Le Tourism Irotalew” which hosts 5000+ participants( CTTI staff members, students, former Graduated classes, all stakeholders, Tourism & Hospitality Communities) starts at Shebelle Hotel( Mexico) and ends at Genet Hotel.
●Registration is already on @Genet Hotel
● T- shirt will be given on free of Charge
■ Different In house Programmes & Competitions
3. Day 3(Sene 3/2011E.C) Full Day:
■ Pannel Discussion on: Ethiopian Tourism Policy and Strategies and
■The Role of CTTI for the growth of Ethiopian Tourism Sector @ Getfam Hotel.The final recommendations from these discussions will be documented and submitted to the Policy Makers and those Concerned Bodies for its Implementation.
《《Congratulations once Again》》
Event Coordinators & CTTI